David Bromberg poses at the Ebensee displaced persons campA DP camp in the American occupied zone of Austria, Ebensee was comprised of four wooden barracks which had been part of Ebensee concentration camp. US troops liberated Ebensee concentration camp in early May 1945, and the area was subsequently converted into a DP camp. Approximately 500 Jews were interspersed amidst a majority of Polish DPs. 

The camp’s UNRRA leadership (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) was made up entirely of Polish citizens, and one Jew, which resulted in tension between the Polish and the Jewish inmates The Jewish inhabitants of the camp often complained of the administration’s discrimination against them. Judah Nadich (General Eisenhower’s first advisor on Jewish affairs in Europe) undertook an investigation of the Jewish DP situation in Ebensee, and recommended a change: thus, the Jews were relocated to hotels in Bad Gastein.

Today, a monument and a museum are located on the site.