Browse an alphabetical list of curated article series. These series include articles that have related themes, such as those about antisemitism or children’s diaries.
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Explore key themes about the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936, including debates over participation in the Games, the choices facing African American athletes, and the role of Nazi propaganda.
Explore key themes related to the end of the Holocaust, including liberation, challenges facing survivors, displaced persons camps, and postwar justice.
Browse articles about some of the Allied military campaigns in western Europe during World War II, including D-Day and the Rhine crossings.
Learn about American women spanning a wide range of roles and activities or experiences during the Holocaust, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to US Army nurse Pat Lynch.
Learn about the history and causes of antisemitism (hatred of Jews) and its role in Nazi ideology.
Learn more about the Auschwitz camp complex in German-occupied Poland. More than 1.1 million people died at Auschwitz, including nearly one million Jews.
The Auschwitz camp complex had more than 40 subcamps that brutally exploited prisoner labor. Learn more about these subcamps, including Althammer, Blechhammer, Budy, and Fürstengrube.
Learn about an album of rare images of the Auschwitz complex, taken during a period when the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau were operating at maximum efficiency.
Series of articles about the establishment of the Bergen-Belsen camp and key dates in its existence as a concentration camp in the Nazi camp system
Learn about the experiences of Black people during the Holocaust and WWII, including persecution in Nazi Germany, the impact of Nazi ideology, the impact of racism on African American athletes, and the experiences of Black American soldiers.
Browse a series of articles about the 1933 book burnings in Nazi Germany, including information about the works burned and the symbolism of the book burnings.
Children were especially vulnerable to Nazi persecution. Explore a series of articles about the plight of children during the Holocaust, including experiences in hiding.
Browse articles about the creation, administration, and functions of concentration camps in the 1930s and 1940s, and the brutal conditions camp prisoners experienced during the Holocaust.
From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany carried out a campaign to "cleanse" German society of individuals viewed as biological threats to the nation's "health." Learn more
Explore a series of articles about diaries and journals kept during the Holocaust. Each diary reflects a fragment of its author's life.
Learn more about what life was like for Holocaust survivors living in DP camps after WWII. This series focuses on DP camps in the US zone of Allied-occupied Germany.
Explore the story of over 2,000 Polish Jewish refugees who fled east to escape war-torn Europe. They sought safety in such distant places as China and Japan.
Series of resources about Anne Frank and about the experiences of children during the Holocaust.
The Nazi regime harrassed and targeted gay men and lesbians. For gay men, this harassment turned into brutal persecution. Browse these articles to learn more.
Browse a series of articles about the role of the German military and some of its leaders during the Holocaust and World War II.
Germany’s policemen played a key role in the consolidation of Nazi power. During WWII, their role became radicalized. Learn about police in Germany before and after the Nazi rise to power.
The creation of ghettos was a key step in the Nazi process of brutally separating, persecuting, and ultimately destroying Europe's Jews during the Holocaust. Learn more.
Read a series of articles about Adolf Hitler's ideology and strategies. Under Hitler, the Nazi regime was responsible for the mass murder of 6 million Jews and millions of other victims
Holocaust denial is any attempt to negate the established facts of the Nazi genocide of European Jews. Explore the articles in this series to learn about Holocaust denial and its origins.
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.