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The German American Bund was an organization of ethnic Germans living in the US. It held a pro-Nazi, antisemitic, and US isolationist agenda.
The Battle of the Bulge was a failed German counteroffensive against the Allied armies. Learn more about the Battle of the Bulge and its impact on WWII.
The Volkswagen automobile company went into military production during WWII, operating concentration and forced-labor camps. Learn more about its role.
Gleichschaltung is the German term applied to the Nazification of all aspects of German society following the Nazi rise to power in 1933.
As Allied forces approached Nazi camps in the last months of WWII, the SS organized brutal “death marches” (forced evacuations) of concentration camp inmates.
Rescue efforts during the Holocaust ranged from the isolated actions of individuals to organized networks both small and large.
Why did the United States go to war? What did Americans know about the “Final Solution”? How did Americans respond to news about the Holocaust? Learn more.
Propaganda played a crucial role in selling the myth of the "national community" (Volksgemeinschaft) to so-called "Aryan" Germans. The photograph on this cigarette card was taken by Nazi propagandist Heinrich Hoffmann. It depicts a crowd of people smiling and giving the Nazi salute as a guard holds them back. Written in German, the caption on the back reads, "Every day the same picture: Fans welcome the leader."Beginning in the 1920s, cigarette cards were a popular collectible item in Germany. This card…
Beginning in the 1920s, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party emphasized their desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (People’s or National Community) based on the foundations of race, ethnicity, and social behavior. Once in power, the Nazis aimed to shape a Volksgemeinschaft according to their ideological goals. Test
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.