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The International League Against Anti-Semitism in North Africa (LICA) was created in 1929 as a Jewish-Muslim partnership to combat racism and antisemitism.
Fascism is a far-right authoritarian political philosophy. Learn about the history and principles of fascism and its implementation in Nazi Germany.
Learn about the diverse Jewish population of North Africa on the eve of World War II.
Learn about the network of camps that the French collaborationist Vichy authorities established in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and French West Africa.
To implement their policies, the Nazis had help from individuals across Europe, including professionals in many fields. Learn about the role of civil servants.
To implement their policies, the Nazis had help from individuals across Europe, including professionals in many fields. Learn about the role of academics and teachers.
To implement their policies, the Nazis had help from individuals across Europe, including professionals in many fields. Learn about the role of the military.
To implement their policies, the Nazis had help from individuals across Europe, including professionals in many fields. Learn about the role of German clergy and church leaders.
To implement their policies, the Nazis had help from individuals across Europe, including professionals in many fields. Learn about the role of business elites.
Communist ideas spread rapidly in Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries, offering an alternative to both capitalism and far-right fascism and setting the stage for a political conflict with global repercussions.
Learn about some key dates in the life of Adolf Hitler, one of Europe's most ruthless dictators, who led the Nazis from 1921 and Germany from 1933-45.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Bernard Musmand.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Dora Oltulski.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Sonia Orbuch.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Silvio Ortona.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Martin Petrasek.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Meir Porges.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Norman Salsitz.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Faye Schulman.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Brenda Senders.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Leon Senders.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Mira Shelub.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Allen Small.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Eugenio Gentili Tedeschi.
Read the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation's short biography of Simon Trakinski.
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.