Excerpt from Anne Frank's diary for the date October 10, 1942: "This is a photograph of me as I wish I looked all the time. Then I might still have a chance of getting to Hollywood. But now I am afraid I usually look quite different." Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Item ViewAnne Frank at five years of age. Bad Aachen, Germany, September 11, 1934.
Item ViewAnne Frank at 11 years of age, two years before going into hiding. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1940.
Item ViewMargot and Anne Frank before their family fled to the Netherlands. Bad Aachen, Germany, October 1933.
Item ViewAnne Frank, age twelve, at her school desk. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1941.
Item ViewA page from Anne Frank's photo album showing snapshots taken between 1935 and 1942. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Item ViewThe house at Prinsengracht 263, where Anne Frank and her family were hidden. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. After 1935.
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