Former quarters of the German army converted into displaced persons housing. Bergen-Belsen, Germany, May 1945.
Item ViewThe exterior of a building in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in Germany. Photograph taken in 1945.
Item ViewJewish youth attend a class on transplanting seedlings, part of a general course in farming sponsored by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee at the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. Germany, August 1, 1946.
Item ViewA former concentration camp prisoner receives care from a mobile medical unit of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Photograph taken at the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. Germany, May 1946.
Item ViewUnited Nations personnel vaccinate an 11-year-old concentration camp survivor who was a victim of medical experiments at the Auschwitz camp. Photograph taken in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, Germany, May 1946.
Item ViewDisplaced persons protest the forced return to Germany of passengers from the refugee ship Exodus 1947. British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin is hanged in effigy. Photograph taken by Henry Ries. Hohne-Belsen, Germany, September 7, 1947.
Item ViewJewish displaced persons protest Britain's decision to send back to Germany the Jewish refugees from the ship Exodus 1947. Photograph taken by Henry Ries. Hohne-Belsen displaced persons camp, Germany, September 1947.
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