German children read an anti-Jewish propaganda book for children titled Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom). The girl on the left holds a companion volume, the translated title of which is "Trust No Fox." Germany, ca. 1938. (Source record ID: E39 Nr .2381/5)
Item ViewPortrait of Leni Riefenstahl, taken before 1945.
Item ViewThis image originates from a film produced by the Reich Propaganda Ministry. It is captioned: "A moral and religious conception of life demands the prevention of hereditarily ill offspring." Nazi propaganda aimed to create public support for the compulsory sterilization effort.
Item ViewThis image originates from a film produced by the Reich Propaganda Ministry. It shows patients in an unidentified asylum. Their existence is described as "life without hope." The Nazis sought, through propaganda, to develop public sympathy for the Euthanasia Program.
Item ViewThis photo originates from a film produced by the Reich Propaganda Ministry. It shows two doctors in a ward in an unidentified asylum. The existence of the patients in the ward is described as "life only as a burden." Such propaganda images were intended to develop public sympathy for the Euthanasia Program.
Item ViewNazi propaganda poster warning Germans about the dangers of east European "subhumans." Germany, date uncertain.
Item ViewGerman propaganda photograph of a kindergarten for German infants promotes the nurturing role of women on the home front. Germany, 1941.
Item ViewNazi propaganda photo depicts friendship between an "Aryan" and a black woman. The caption states: "The result! A loss of racial pride." Germany, prewar.
Item ViewIllustration from a German antisemitic children's book titled Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath (translation from German). The headlines depicted in the image say "Jews are our misfortune" and "How the Jew cheats." Germany, 1936.
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