Sonia S. [LCID: sp000012]

Sonia S.

(English translation) One dreams of being in the concentration camps and that they are coming to take you and that they will put you in the train cars. On remembers… of the early times one remembers. When I came for the first time and they invited me… Well, the first time we stayed at my aunt's. But some friends invited me to their home and when I entered and I saw a house, a home, I started to cry. Because I felt something…I don't know. A house was for me … for one who lived always on the floor, without a bed sheet, without a bed, always afraid. And when I could lie down here and sleep through a night without thinking that someone can come get me, or that someone can kill me, or that they can take me away, I could sleep … it was then that I could enjoy sleeping.

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