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American soldiers and liberated prisoners at the main entrance of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, May 1945.
Wedding rings taken from prisoners. The rings were found near the Buchenwald concentration camp following liberation by US Army soldiers. Germany, May 1945.
American troops, including African American soldiers from the Headquarters and Service Company of the 183rd Engineer Combat Battalion, 8th Corps, US 3rd Army, view corpses stacked behind the crematorium during an inspection tour of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Among those pictured is Leon Bass (the soldier third from left). Buchenwald, Germany, April 17, 1945.
German civilians from the town of Nammering, under orders of American military authorities, dig graves for victims of a death march from the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, May 1945.
A pile of corpses in the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation. Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945. Together with its many satellite camps, Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps established within the old German borders of 1937.
One of many piles of ashes and bones found by US soldiers at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, April 14, 1945.
Survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp gather around trucks carrying American troops. Germany, May 1945.
Adolf Hitler's authorization for the Euthanasia Program (Operation T4), signed in October 1939 but dated September 1, 1939.
Hartheim castle, a euthanasia killing center where people with physical and mental disabilities were killed by gassing and lethal injection. Hartheim, Austria, date uncertain.
Buses used to transport patients from the Eichberg hospital near Wiesbaden to Hadamar euthanasia center. The windows were painted to prevent people from seeing those inside. Germany, between May and September 1941.
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