Hitler reviews a parade celebrating the reintegration of the Saar region into Germany. Saar territory, Germany, March 1935.
Item ViewGerman citizens cheer the entry of German forces into Duesseldorf, on the Rhine, soon after Hitler ordered the entry of German troops into the demilitarized Rhineland, a blatant violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Duesseldorf, Germany, March 8, 1936.
Item ViewHitler during a triumphal tour of the Sudetenland following the Munich agreement of September 1938. The agreement ceded the largely German-speaking Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. Eger, Czechoslovakia, October 3, 1938.
Item ViewGerman troops marching into the Sudetenland stop at a former Czech frontier post. Nazi officials and Sudeten Germans salute the troops. The sign between the swastikas reads: "One People, One Reich, One Führer." Grottau, Czechoslovakia, October 2 or 3, 1938.
Item ViewNazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop (left), Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (center), and Soviet foreign minister Viacheslav Molotov (right) at the signing of the nonaggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. Moscow, Soviet Union, August 1939.
Item ViewInvading German soldiers raise the Nazi flag in front of the city hall. Gdynia, Poland, September 1939.
Item ViewGerman soldiers in the Soviet Union during a December 1943 Soviet offensive on the eastern front. German troops invaded Soviet territory in June 1941 but faced counteroffensives following the battle of Stalingrad. December 16, 1943.
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