The Nazi flag is raised over the Krakow castle. Krakow, Poland, 1939.
Item ViewSS chief Heinrich Himmler (left) and Hans Frank, head of the Generalgouvernement in occupied Poland. Krakow, Poland, 1943.
Item ViewResidents of the Krakow ghetto walk past a German truck loaded with furniture confiscated from Jews. Krakow, Poland, ca. 1941.
Item ViewJews in the Krakow ghetto unload furniture, to be used as kindling, next to a pile of coal. Krakow, Poland, ca. 1941.
Item ViewShimshon and Tova Draenger, members of the underground in the Kraków and Warsaw ghettos and partisans in the Wisnicz Forest. Krakow, Poland, date uncertain.
Item ViewPrisoners receive meager food allocations at the Plaszow camp. Krakow, Poland, 1943 or 1944.
Item ViewAmon Goeth (front left), commandant of the Plaszow camp, under escort to the courthouse in Kraków for sentencing. He was sentenced to death at his postwar trial on war crimes charges. Kraków, Poland, August 1946.
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