25th Nazi propaganda slide for a Hitler Youth educational presentation entitled "5000 years of German Culture."

Slide about Lebensraum from a Hitler Youth educational presentation

The 25th Nazi propaganda slide for a Hitler Youth educational presentation in the mid-1930s. The presentation was entitled "5000 years of German Culture." This slide references Lebensraum (the need for living space) in German history:  "Wachsende Volkszahl im fargen Nordland zwang neuen Lebensraum zu suchen. Das innerlich morsche Römerreich bricht im Ansturm der Germanen zusammen." Translated as:  "Growing numbers of people in Nordland were forced to look for a new habitat. The inwardly crumbling Roman Empire collapses with the German onslaught."


  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Stephen Glick
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