Sonia S. [LCID: sp000009]

Sonia S.

(English translation) And we also worked in another … in another kitchen where people worked and the food was made for the Germans and the prisoners. There were pots over a fire that were really high…with ladders and to clean them or serve from them we had to climb up on the ladder, that's how tall they were. So we made noodles with milk, sweet for the Germans. And after serving them to wash out a pot we had to get inside it, we took everything out and we had a few more portions to eat. We could also wash ourselves with hot water there in the kitchen. There was an old German that took care of us and so that was our luck so to speak to still be alive because we had food to eat. And sometimes we had to feed the prisoners who would stand in line. Each one had a little can and with a big spoon we had to give each one a portion of food. Sometimes someone you knew would say, "Give me a little more." And you would put a little more and it would get messy because the person behind would say, "give me more too," and another would yell out, "more," and a fight would break out that in the end you couldn't do those things. Now the food in the concentration camp was very bad. The men that worked got a piece of crumbly bread. The soup was usually made with potato skins. Potato skins are not good to eat.

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