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A pile of corpses at the Russian Camp (Hospital Camp) section of the Mauthausen concentration camp after liberation. Mauthausen, Austria, May 5-15, 1945.
A mass grave at the Mauthausen concentration camp. Photograph taken after the liberation of the camp. Mauthausen, Austria, May 10–15, 1945.
A 13-year-old orphan, a survivor of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Photograph taking following liberation of the camp. Austria, May 1945.
A view of the Buchenwald concentration camp after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after April 11, 1945.
A view of barracks in the Buchenwald concentration camp. This photograph was taken after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after April 11, 1945. Buchenwald, along with its subcamps, was one of the largest concentration camps established within the old German borders of 1937.
View of a guard tower and fence at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, wartime.
Roll call for newly arrived prisoners, mostly Jews arrested during Kristallnacht (the "Night of Broken Glass" pogrom), at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Buchenwald, Germany, 1938.
Prisoners during a roll call at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Their uniforms bear classifying triangular badges and identification numbers. Buchenwald, Germany, 1938–41.
An SS officer standing in front of a newly constructed gallows in the forest near Buchenwald concentration camp. Buchenwald, Germany, April 1942.
Execution of prisoners, most of them Jewish, in the forest near Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, 1942 or 1943.
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