A young girl with light skin tone poses for the camera with one arm in front of her and the other propped up holding her head. Her hair is curled and pinned up. She is wearing a light colored dress with a medallion necklace.

Seven-year-old Jacqueline Morgenstern

Photograph of seven-year-old Jacqueline Morgenstern in Paris, France, 1940. Jacqueline was later a victim of tuberculosis medical experiments at the Neuengamme concentration camp. The SS took 20 of the children who had been victims of medical experiments at Neuengamme to a school building in Hamburg. Situated on Bullenhuser Damm, this location was a subcamp of Neuengamme. Jacqueline and the other children in the group (10 boys and 10 girls, all Jewish) were killed there.

Critical Thinking Questions

Why were children especially vulnerable to Nazi persecution?

Why are artifacts, documents, and photographs like this one important?


  • Guenther Schwarberg

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