A group of Hungarian Jews rescued from deportation by Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.

Jewish Aid and Rescue

Despite the varied and courageous efforts of Jewish groups leading to the rescue of thousands of their co-religionists, they could do little to save millions of European Jews from the Nazi genocide.

During the Holocaust, countless Jewish organizations and individuals worldwide did what they could to save their brethren. While these rescue efforts were initiated by Jews, most would have had little success without the assistance of numerous sympathetic non-Jews.

Rescue of Children

Austrian Jewish refugee children, members of one of the Children's Transports (Kindertransporte), arrive at a London train station.

Austrian Jewish refugee children, members of one of the Children's Transports (Kindertransport), arrive at a London train station. Great Britain, February 2, 1939.

  • Bildarchiv der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Zeitgeschichte

Organized actions to rescue children began even before the onset of World War II. The Youth Aliyah (a movement founded for the transfer of Jewish children from Germany to Palestine), under the auspices of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem, managed to bring more than 14,000 unaccompanied children to Palestine and Britain between 1933 and 1945. In Great Britain, an umbrella group known as the Movement for the Care of Children organized the travel and shelter of over 10,000 central European Jewish refugee children between December 1938 and September 1939. Since these children traveled without their parents, the operation became known as the Kindertransport.

Jewish refugee youth, on an escape route from France to Switzerland, at a Children's Aid Society (OSE) girls' home.

Jewish refugee youth, on an escape route from France to Switzerland, at a Children's Aid Society (OSE) girls' home. Couret, France, ca. 1942.

  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum

In France, three Jewish organizations made organized attempts to rescue children. The best known was Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (Children's Aid Society; OSE). Others active in this area were the Eclaireurs Israelites de France (a Jewish scouting movement) and the Mouvement des Jeunesses Sionistes (a Zionist youth movement). Operating nationwide, members of these groups used their institutions to provide hiding places for Jewish children, especially for more vulnerable foreign refugees. They also arranged the release of children from internment camps, and then smuggled them to safety in Switzerland or Spain. On a local level in France, similar activities were carried out by the Comite rue Amelot, the Jewish Communist "Solidarite" organization in Paris, the Service Andres group in Marseille, and the Groupe Maurice Cachoud in Nice, which specialized in secretly transporting children to refuge in Switzerland. Thanks to these efforts, as many as 12,000–15,000 Jewish children were saved from deportation and almost certain death.

Escape via the Far East

Lucille's father died three months before she was born. Lucille's mother decided to immigrate to the United States with Lucille and her sister, Fejga. They completed all the paperwork, but were unable to get their final papers because of the German invasion of Poland in 1939. Volozhin was in the Soviet-occupied zone of Poland. Lucille and her sister feared arrest by the Soviets because they were members of a Jewish Zionist youth group. The girls fled to Vilna, where their mother later joined them. Their American immigration papers were forwarded to the consulate in Kovno. Lucille and her sister traveled to Kovno for those papers and also succeeded in obtaining Japanese transit visas. They left Vilna, traveling by the Trans-Siberian Express, and arrived in Japan in September 1940. In November 1940, they arrived in the United States. Their mother joined them a year later.

  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Escape via East Asia was an option that saved the lives of thousands of Polish Jewish refugees in Lithuania. Organized by Zionist leader Zorah Warhaftig, many refugees were able to obtain transit visas from Chiune Sugihara, the Japanese consul in Kovno, as well as from sympathetic Dutch diplomats. They then had to negotiate with Soviet authorities to obtain exit visas. Armed with this documentation, some 2,178 Polish Jewish refugees entered Japan between October 1940 and August 1941. Most of them were subsequently sent to Shanghai, in Japanese-occupied China, where they remained for the duration of the war.

Efforts by the Yishuv

The Yishuv (Jewish settlement in Palestine) sent 37 parachutists into Europe to aid Jews under Nazi oppression. The Nazis caught and shot seven of the parachutists, including Hannah Szenes (in Hungary), Haviva Reik (in Slovakia), and Enzo Sereni (in Germany).

Group of Jewish parachutists under British command including Haviva Reik (center), who was sent into Slovakia.

Group of Jewish parachutists under British command including Haviva Reik (center), who was sent into Slovakia. Palestine, wartime.

  • Moreshet Mordechai Anilevich Memorial

The Yishuv also organized "illegal" immigration to Palestine, in an ongoing operation known as Aliyah Bet. Zionist groups, especially their youth components, facilitated the migration of both individuals and small groups from Vienna, Berlin, Prague, and Warsaw, among other places. Initially, the Aliyah Bet ships left from Greek ports. Later, the main route was by boat down the Danube River, via the Black Sea, to the Mediterranean. These voyages, which became more difficult once the war began, were carried out under the auspices of two rival political organizations in Palestine: the Labor Zionists and the right-wing Revisionists.

Jewish refugees on board the Aliyah Bet ("illegal" immigration) ship "Atrato."

Jewish refugees on board the Aliyah Bet ("illegal" immigration) ship Atrato. The ship was caught by the British off the coast of Jaffa, Palestine, and escorted to Haifa port. July 17, 1939.

  • Wide World Photo

Despite the dangers, 62 such voyages were carried out from 1937 to 1944. From January 1939 to December 1944, 18,879 Jews reached Palestine by sea. Some 1,393 documented travelers are not known to have reached Palestine and may have drowned en route.

After World War II, the Jewish Brigade Group and former partisans organized the Brihah, the mass exodus of 250,000 refugees to Palestine. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency of Palestine provided substantial aid to Holocaust survivors in displaced persons camps.

Jewish refugees line up to receive food provided by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) after the war.

Jewish refugees line up to receive food provided by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) after the war. Shanghai, China, 1945-1946.

  • YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York

Ransom of Jews

There were several attempts to rescue Jews by offers of money to the authorities.

Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel, leader of the Working Group (Pracovna Skupina), a Jewish underground group devoted to the rescue of ...

Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel, leader of the Working Group (Pracovna Skupina), a Jewish underground group devoted to the rescue of Slovak Jewry. 

  • YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York

In Slovakia, the "Working Group," a secret Jewish rescue organization headed by Zionist women's leader Gisi Fleischmann and Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel, offered a bribe to SS Captain Dieter Wisliceny, Adolf Eichmann's deputy in the SS Jewish section and the official supervising the deportation of Slovak Jews in 1942. There is no definitive evidence that the deportations from Slovakia were halted because of the bribe, although it may have influenced the decision. More certain is that the Working Group's bribes of Slovak officials helped lead to the opening in 1942 of Novaky, Sered, and Vyhne—three forced-labor camps to which Jews could be deported and remain in comparative safety, rather than to extermination camps. In this way as many as 4,000 Slovak Jews were saved from certain death. In a strategy known as the "Europa Plan," members of the Working Group also attempted to raise $2–3 million from Jews of the free world to pay the Nazis to cease deportations to the killing centers.

In Hungary, the Relief and Rescue Committee of Budapest was founded in 1941 and was involved in various efforts to save Polish, Slovak, and Hungarian Jews. In 1943, the group became a recognized arm of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. In May 1944, following the German occupation of Hungary, they approached SS officers Adolf Eichmann (one of the central figures in the "Final Solution") and Kurt Becher. It is believed that Eichmann offered to "exchange" one million Jews for certain unspecified goods. While the deal was never finalized, due to Allied objections, the Committee's negotiators eventually persuaded the Nazis to allow a transport of 1,684 Hungarian Jews to leave Budapest on June 30, 1944. After a short stay in Bergen-Belsen, these Jews reached Switzerland.

Aluminum food container lid used by a Hungarian Jewish family on the Kasztner train.

Aluminum food container lid used by a Hungarian Jewish family on the Kasztner train. The family had used the container on outings outside Budapest. It later accompanied them to Bergen-Belsen, Switzerland and, finally, to the United States.

Rescue of Rabbis

In November 1939, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States established the "Va'ad ha-Hatsala" (Rescue Committee), a relief and rescue agency whose express purpose was to save European rabbis, yeshiva (rabbinical academy) students, and other orthodox Jews. In 1940–1941, the Va'ad assisted in the emigration of approximately 650 rabbis and students from Lithuania to the United States, Palestine, central Asia, and Shanghai.

In 1942, after the revelation of the mass murder of European Jewry, the Va'ad engaged in political activity designed to rescue Jews under Nazi occupation. Some 400 American rabbis staged a protest march in Washington, DC, on October 6, 1943. During 1944–1945, the Va'ad, through its branches in Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, and Tangier, launched efforts to rescue Jews. One of the most successful of these was the rescue of 1,220 Jews from Theresienstadt. As a result of negotiations between Swiss politician Jean Marie Musy (sponsored by the Va'ad) and SS chief Heinrich Himmler, these prisoners were released to Switzerland in February 1945.

Critical Thinking Questions

  • Rescue was challenging and often dangerous. Investigate rescues mentioned in this article. What obstacles and risks did the individuals and organizations face?
  • What pressures and motivations may have affected choices made by individuals and leaders of organizations?
  • What other faith-based groups tried to rescue European Jews?
  • Learn about contemporary individuals and organizations trying to rescue endangered peoples. How are their risks and obstacles like or unlike those faced by Jewish rescuers during the Holocaust?

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