Austrian Jewish children being transported to the United States by Eleanor and Gilbert Kraus perform a life jacket drill aboard the ...

The Rescue Mission of Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus

In the spring of 1939, Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus, an affluent and secular Jewish American couple, rescued 50 Jewish children from Vienna, Austria, by bringing them to the United States. With the help of others, including family friend Dr. Robert Schless, members of the Independent Order Brith Sholom (a Jewish fraternal organization based in Philadelphia), and members of the Jewish communities of Berlin and Vienna, the Krauses were able to work within US immigration law to rescue these children.

Key Facts

  • 1

    The Krauses worked within strict US immigration laws to rescue 50 children from Nazi-occupied Vienna.

  • 2

    All the children rescued by the Krauses were from families that had previously tried to escape Nazi territory.

  • 3

    After the children arrived in the United States, they were sent to live with foster families until their parents were able to immigrate. However, many were never reunited with their families.

Planning the Rescue

In January 1939, the president of the Independent Order Brith Sholom, Louis Levine, approached Gilbert Kraus about trying to save some of the Jewish children trapped inside Nazi Germany. He offered to completely fund Kraus's efforts, provided Kraus would organize and carry out the mission. Levine also offered use of Brith Sholom's recently completed, 25-bedroom country retreat, which they had built to use as a retirement home for members.

Kraus immediately agreed and set to work. The following week he and Levine traveled to Washington, DC, to meet with representatives of the Department of State. While he was in DC, Gilbert's wife, Eleanor, began the process of procuring 50 affidavits. These required documents would prove sponsorship and support for each child's immigration to the United States.

To complete these forms, Eleanor sought the advice of Murray Levin of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Levin advised Eleanor on the complicated legal process of completing the affidavits and securing statements of financial security, copies of financial records, and letters of reference. She also collected Gilbert's records (such as bank statements), and documents and references from colleagues and friends who would help them. Eleanor worked tirelessly for six weeks. She completed 54 affidavits, including four extra in case any fell through.

As Eleanor collected the affidavits, she and Gilbert met with Under Secretary of State George Messersmith. Messersmith confirmed that their idea for obtaining unused visas (so-called “dead number visas”) for the children would theoretically work. The “dead number visas” were pre-approved visas that were “rejected [or] returned at the last minute by people who couldn't leave when the time for departure came.” However, Messersmith warned that there was no way to guarantee success unless they traveled to Germany and worked with the US Consul in Berlin. He also warned that there would be more challenges, as some American rescue organizations would attempt to discredit their efforts.

After organizing the affidavits, Eleanor and Gilbert met again with Messersmith. He once again encouraged them to go to Germany to meet with US consular officials. Messersmith referred the Krauses to the Passport Division. An official in this division warned that Germany and the political atmosphere were especially unsafe for women. While she was concerned about the prospect of war, Eleanor suggested that their friend Robert Schless travel with Gilbert. Not only would Schless be a travel companion for Gilbert, he also spoke German, was a doctor, and would be able to review the candidates for immigration.

Working within the Existing Legal System

In order for the Krauses' efforts to be successful, they depended largely on the advice of State Department officials. Within the Department, they were able to find individuals who were sympathetic to their rescue efforts, yet frustrated by the restrictions of immigration law. In February 1939, Congressman Leon Sacks arranged a meeting for himself, Kraus, and Levine with Messersmith to propose their rescue plan.

The Krauses had to work within the existing legal system for immigration. There were many individuals who sought to flee Nazi-occupied Europe for the United States. However, the United States had a stringent quota system in place. For example, the Immigration Act of 1924 (the Johnson-Reed Act) imposed strict quotas on immigration based on nationality. In addition, the economic difficulties brought on by the Great Depression caused immigration authorities to ban individuals who were unlikely to find employment in the United States.

Messersmith confirmed that the best plan was to use “dead number visas.” Kraus believed that they could use these visas for children of families who were at the top of the immigration lists, but lacked the means to leave Germany. Messersmith promised to write to Consular Chargé d'Affaires in Berlin, Raymond H. Geist, who would assess the feasibility of Kraus's proposal.

Identification papers issued to Erika Tamar

Identification papers issued to Erika Tamar stating that she was born in Vienna on June 10, 1934. Erika was one of the 50 children rescued by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus.

  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Liz Perle

Criticism of the Mission

Almost as soon as the Krauses began planning their rescue, they received criticism from other American Jewish rescue societies. Some of the criticism was against the Krauses themselves. Some groups claimed that the Krauses’ rescue mission was nothing more than a publicity stunt. In late February 1939, the German-Jewish Children's Aid, Inc., sent a letter to the Visa Division at the State Department. It wanted to determine if Brith Sholom had received authorization for the immigration of 250 children outside quota restrictions. The German-Jewish Children's Aid claimed that providing special circumstances to the Krauses could put other rescue societies in an embarrassing situation or risk their rescue operations.

In June 1939, the Krauses attempted to raise money from American-based rescue organizations. Again, the German-Jewish Children's Aid requested that the Krauses stop their fundraising. The Krauses did agree to stop public fundraising, but reaffirmed their commitment to their rescue mission.

Despite the criticism from other organizations, the Krauses received assistance and support from others. For example, the Jewish Community in Vienna offered them office space and supplies during their mission. The community also assigned several staff to assist the Krauses in the management of their rescue.

Arrival in Europe

Robert Schless and Gilbert Kraus departed for Germany from New York on April 7, 1939. Upon arriving in Berlin, the Consular Chargé d'Affaires, Raymond H. Geist, informed them that their best chance of finding children eligible for immigration would be in Vienna. Shortly after, Kraus and Schless made contacts within the Jewish community in Vienna and began screening candidates.

On April 17, Eleanor received a telephone call from Gilbert. Gilbert gave little away other than noting that they had begun operations in Vienna and that he was safe. He also asked Eleanor to purchase passage aboard the United States Line ship George Washington. The ship was scheduled to leave port at midnight on April 20 for Hamburg. Excited and nervous at the prospects before her, Eleanor made all of the necessary arrangements for her family. Two days later, she arrived at New York harbor with few hours to spare before her departure.

From Berlin to Vienna

Kraus and Schless arrived in Berlin on April 14, 1939. At first, they believed they would assess children in the German capital before moving to other cities. However, when they arrived, they learned from Geist that there were over 200 eligible children in Vienna. They immediately left for the Austrian capital. There, Gilbert met with Consul General Leland Morris and Vice Consul Thomas Hohenthal. The two men noted that many of the Viennese families with children had registered for immigration to the United States. However, they had been unable to leave Europe because they could not find sponsors in the United States or were unable to pay the Nazi-imposed property confiscation fines.

Kraus and Schless spent a couple of days determining the criteria for selecting which children they would take to America. They decided to consider only children between four and fourteen who were “healthiest in mind and body.” On April 19, they began screening candidates. Each child underwent physical and psychological examinations. The interviews continued until the end of April.

When she arrived in Vienna on April 28, Eleanor almost immediately began assisting in the interview process. With the help of Eleanor and other colleagues, the group decided upon 26 children. On May 2, they delivered a list of the children’s names to Vice Consul Hohenthal. Hohenthal confirmed that each child was eligible for immigration. The Krauses' team began matching the children with an appropriate affidavit. They soon added more children to the list. Within days they had selected the 50th child, but learned—potentially disastrously—that there were no visas remaining in Vienna. Morris suggested that the Krauses travel immediately to Berlin to secure any visas remaining at that consular office.

By May 20, the Krauses had finalized most of their arrangements. That evening, they attended a farewell meal with the children and their families at the Kultusgemeinde [the Viennese Jewish Community]. The following day, they departed for Berlin. Many of the parents accompanied their children to the train station, where they saw them off.

The Berlin office was able to accommodate the Krauses' request for visas. The children arrived in Berlin on May 21. They were scheduled for physical examinations and final processing for the following day. The Krauses purchased 53 passages on the SS President Harding. The ship left Hamburg for New York on May 23.

Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus (center) pose with the fifty Austrian Jewish children they brought to the United States.

Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus (seated in the center, next to the ship's captain) pose with the 50 Austrian Jewish children they brought to the United States. Photograph taken in June 1939.

All the children rescued by the Krauses were from families that had previously tried to escape Nazi territory. After the children arrived in the United States, they were sent to live with foster families until their parents were able to immigrate. However, many were never reunited with their families.

  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Liz Perle

The Children

The children rescued by the Krauses came from diverse backgrounds. Some had parents who were born in Austria, while others had parents from present-day Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. Some were from poor families, while others were raised in the middle class. All of the children had experienced life in Nazi-occupied Vienna. In addition, all of the children and their families had intended to leave Austria, but were unable to because they lacked sufficient resources.

Just days before they were to leave Vienna, one of the children, Heinrich Steinberger, became ill. Because he was too sick to travel, the Krauses chose another child, Alfred Berg, to take his place. According to archival records, Heinrich and his mother were sent to Izbica on June 14, 1942. From Izbica, their train was routed directly to the Sobibor camp, where they were most likely killed upon arrival.

Life in America

The children's voyage to America was far from ideal. They were scattered throughout the ship in order to accommodate their numbers. Some of the children experienced seasickness. Others worried that the ship would sink at any moment.

After 11 days at sea, the Harding arrived in New York Harbor. The children were met by Louis Levine, Congressman Sacks, nearly two dozen people from Brith Sholom, and reporters. Within hours of arriving in New York, the children were taken to Pennsylvania. They arrived at the Brith Sholom retreat, where they remained for several months. Within their first days, the children received medical attention and food.

At the retreat, they took courses in civics and US history. The children also received intensive English-language training. By August 1, Gilbert realized that the children needed more structure than was offered at the retreat, and began looking for foster families.

Many of the children went to live with friends and colleagues from Brith Sholom. The children had varied experiences with their foster families. Some longed for their own parents and felt that their foster parents were ill-suited to care for them. Others quickly adapted to their lives in America and rejected their parents when they immigrated to the United States. Many of the children were never reunited with their families. The Krauses took two children in, Robert and Johanna Braun. The Braun children lived with the Krauses until after the war, when they were reunited with their parents.

Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus intended to bring additional children to the United States but there were no subsequent rescue missions by Brith Sholom. Their efforts were one of the largest private rescue operations before the beginning of World War II.

Critical Thinking Questions

  • What pressures and motivations may have affected Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus’s decision to attempt to rescue Jews in Europe?

  • How did the US State Department assist or hinder the efforts of Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus?

  • What responsibilities do other nations have regarding refugees from oppressive regimes?

  • How can individuals contribute to or assist in the rescue of endangered citizens of other nations?

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