Taube Fishman Rosenblat
Born: 1917
Radom, Poland
Taube, also known as Tola, was born to a Yiddish-speaking Jewish family. Her father worked as a tailor, and a wealthy uncle in Germany helped to support the large family. After finishing public school, Taube trained to be an embroiderer. She fell in love with Itzik Rosenblat, a young man who had first apprenticed with her father in 1925 when Taube was 8 years old.
1933-39: In 1938, after a 13-year courtship much opposed by her family, Taube married Itzik without getting her dowry. The couple lived in an apartment on 49 Zeromskiego Street, where Itzik opened a women's tailor shop. In July 1939 they had a son, Max. That September Germany invaded Poland and occupied Radom on the 8th. When the Germans evicted all the Jews from Zeromskiego street, the Rosenblats moved in with Itzik's parents.
1940-42: Radom's Jewish Council assigned the Rosenblats to a shack, which was enclosed in a Jewish ghetto in April 1941. In 1942 the Germans put Itzik and other master tailors to work in an SS shop. That August, the Germans began liquidating Radom's two ghettos. Itzik tried to hide his family in his shop, but they were caught in a roundup. Taube and Max were wrenched away and were marched under the ghetto floodlights to the railroad, where they were herded into a boxcar.
In August 1942 Taube and Max were deported to the Treblinka killing center, where they were gassed upon arrival. Taube was 25 years old.