Browse an alphabetical list of curated media essays that explore various topics pertaining to the Holocaust and World War II. These essays give a brief overview of the topic and provide related media, including photographs, maps, oral histories, and films.
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Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 42,000 camps and othe...
In Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and French West Africa, French collaborationist Vichy authorities established a network of different types of camps: penal camps, labor camps, and internment camps. These camps included Jewish and non-Jewish European...
Carl Clauberg was a German research gynecologist. During the Holocaust, he conducted medical experiments on the female prisoners at Auschwitz. His mass sterilization experiments caused severe pain and sometimes death. Clauberg also experimented on w...
Chaya Szabasson Rubinstein was living with her family in Kozienice, Poland, when German troops invaded in September 1939. Within weeks, the Jewish section of town was declared a ghetto. In 1942, Chaya was deported along with her husband, daughter, a...
The Chelmo killing center in German-occupied Poland was the first stationary facility where poison gas was used for the mass murder of Jews. The SS and police began killing operations at Chelmno on December 8, 1941. At least 172,000 people were kill...
The Chelmo killing center in German-occupied Poland was the first stationary facility where poison gas was used for the mass murder of Jews. The SS and police began killing operations at Chelmno on December 8, 1941. At least 172,000 people were kill...
The Chelmo killing center in German-occupied Poland was the first stationary facility where poison gas was used for the mass murder of Jews. The SS and police began killing operations at Chelmno on December 8, 1941. At least 172,000 people were kill...
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.