German troops and bombers on an improvised airfield during the battle for Norway, May 3, 1940.


German Invasion of Norway

German invasion of Denmark and Norway, 1940
  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum

 On April 9, 1940, Germany invaded Norway. Germany sought to secure naval bases for use against the British fleet in the North Sea and to guarantee vital iron-ore shipments from neutral Sweden.

Germany invaded Norway on April 9, 1940, simultaneously attacking Norway's coastal cities from Narvik in the far north to Oslo in the south. Despite Allied naval superiority, German naval forces played an important role in the campaign. This footage shows German naval units sailing towards Norway in rough seas. German victory in Norway secured access to the North Atlantic for the German navy, especially the submarine fleet, and safeguarded transports of Swedish iron ore for Germany's war industry.

  • National Archives - Film

Despite British attempts to help, Norway surrendered to Germany on June 10. King Haakon VII and the Norwegian government escaped to London. Vidkun Quisling, who in 1933 had founded a fascist organization modeled after Germany's Nazi Party, proclaimed himself prime minister. Quisling's name henceforth became synonymous with collaboration. The Germans quickly became disillusioned with him and established their own administration, but intermittently used Quisling as a figurehead.

Vidkun Quisling, leader of the collaborationist Norwegian government, returns a salute during a ceremony in Oslo.

Vidkun Quisling, leader of the collaborationist Norwegian government, returns a salute during a ceremony in Oslo. Norway, after April 1940.

  • National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD

Jews in Norway

There were approximately 2,100 Jews in Norway at the time of the German invasion, including about 350 mostly German and Austrian Jewish refugees who had found safe haven there in the 1930s. Restrictions on Jews initially were sporadic, but with the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, numerous Jews in the northern part of the country were incarcerated. Widespread arrests of Norwegian Jews began in the fall of 1942 with Norwegian police and paramilitary formations supporting SS and German police units. In early October, the authorities arrested all male Jews in Trondheim, a northern Norwegian port city. On October 26 and 27, 260 male Jews were arrested in Oslo, Norway's capital. During the night of November 25–26, 1942, all remaining Jews in Oslo, including women, children, the sick, and people with disabilities, were arrested and interned. They were deported on the "Donau," a ship requisitioned by the Quisling government, which took them to Germany. They were then deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center.

The "Donau," one of the largest ships used to deport Jews from Norway to Germany.

The Donau, one of the largest ships used to deport Jews from Norway to Germany. From Germany, hundreds of Norwegian Jews were deported to Auschwitz. Norway, 1943.

  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Despite protests by Norwegian church leaders and some segments of the population, the internment and deportation of Jews from Norway continued intermittently. Fortunately, many Jews received advance warnings of the roundups from Norwegian policemen and members of the underground. Many of Norway's Jews, about 1,000, escaped to neutral Sweden with the aid of the underground. Many others went into hiding.

Nazi camps in Norway and Denmark, 1940-1945
  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Between 1940 and 1945, approximately 770 Jews were deported from Norway. Only about 34 survived; most of the others were murdered in Auschwitz. On May 8, 1945, German forces in Norway surrendered to the Allies. Quisling was arrested and found guilty of treason. He was executed on October 24, 1945.

In Norway in the 1930s, Vidkun Quisling founded a pro-Nazi party called the Fascist National Union Party. When Germany invaded Norway in 1940, Quisling attempted a pro-German coup against the government. He headed a pro-German administration from 1942 to 1945. His betrayal of Norway to Germany has made his name into a label for all collaborators and traitors. After World War II, Norwegian authorities arrested Quisling, and tried and convicted him on charges of treason. He received a death sentence.

  • National Archives - Film

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