| Displaying results 6251-6260 of 6719 for "" |

  • Honoring Oskar Schindler


    Oskar Schindler plants a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem. The Righteous Among the Nations are non-Jewish invididuals who have been honored by Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial, for risking their lives to aid Jews during the Holocaust.

    Honoring Oskar Schindler
  • SS officer Theodor Eicke visits the Lichtenburg camp


    Scene during a visit by SS officer Theodor Eicke to the Lichtenburg camp in March 1936. Lichtenburg was one of the first concentration camps established in Germany were established soon after Hitler's appointment as chancellor in January 1933.  When SS chief leader Heinrich Himmler centralized the administration of the concentration camps and formalized the camp system, he chose SS Lieutenant General Theodor Eicke for the task. Himmler appointed him Inspector of Concentration Camps, a new section of the…

    SS officer Theodor Eicke visits the Lichtenburg camp
  • Charred remains of victims at Maly Trostinets


    View of the charred remains of Jewish victims burned by the Germans near the Maly Trostinets concentration camp.  Photograph taken ca. 1944.  In the fall of 1943, the Germans destroyed the Minsk ghetto. The SS deported some Jews from Minsk to the Sobibor killing center, and killed about 4,000 remaining Jews at Maly Trostinets.

    Tags: Minsk
    Charred remains of victims at Maly Trostinets
  • Slide about Lebensraum from a Hitler Youth educational presentation


    25th Nazi propaganda slide for a Hitler Youth educational presentation in the mid-1930s. The presentation was entitled "5000 years of German Culture." This slide references Lebensraum (the need for living space) in German history:  "Wachsende Volkszahl im fargen Nordland zwang neuen Lebensraum zu suchen. Das innerlich morsche Römerreich bricht im Ansturm der Germanen zusammen." Translated as:  "Growing numbers of people in Nordland were forced to look for a new habitat. The inwardly…

    Slide about Lebensraum from a Hitler Youth educational presentation
  • Mugshot of Colonel Joachim Peiper


    Mugshot of Colonel Joachim Peiper, defendant in the Malmedy atrocity trial. He was sentenced to death by hanging. Photograph taken ca. 1946. 

    Mugshot of Colonel Joachim Peiper
  • Malmedy Massacre


    Bodies of US soldiers killed by Waffen SS troops during the Malmedy Massacre on December 17, 1944. Photograph taken in January 1945. 

    Tags: Malmedy
    Malmedy Massacre
  • Prewar family photograph in Zhetel


    Shlamke and Shanke Minuskin pose with their baby son, Henikel, in the garden of their home. Zhetel, Poland, 1938.  

    Prewar family photograph in Zhetel
  • Refugees leave Warsaw


    Civilians flee Warsaw following the German invasion of Poland. Hundreds of thousands of both Jewish refugees and non-Jewish refugees fled the advancing German army into eastern Poland, hoping that the Polish army would halt the German advance in the west. Many of the refugees fled without a specific destination in mind. They traveled on foot or by any available transport—cars, bicycles, carts, or trucks—clogging roads to the east. Most took only what they could carry.

    Refugees leave Warsaw
  • Zsofi Brunn (back row, center) poses with the orphans under her care


    Zsofi Brunn and members of her family were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau in June 1944. Her husband and mother were killed upon arrival. Zsofi and her daughter Anna were transferred to a labor camp in Czechosovakia. They were eventually liberated by Soviet forces in May 1945. Zsofi and Anna returned to Hungary. They moved to Rakosszentmihaly, near Budapest. There, Anna finished high school, and Zsofi directed a Jewish orphanage. This photo shows Zsofi (back row, center) posing with the…

    Zsofi Brunn (back row, center) poses with the orphans under her care
  • Henry Morgenthau, Jr., testifies in support of Lend-Lease


    Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,  testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Commission in support of the Lend-Lease bill to aid Britain. Morgenthau was secretary of the treasury under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Lend-Lease was the name of the US policy of extending material aid to the Allies before and after the United States entered World War II.

    Henry Morgenthau, Jr., testifies in support of Lend-Lease

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