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Distant view of smoke from the Treblinka killing center, set on fire by prisoners during a revolt. This scene was photographed by a railway worker. Treblinka, Poland, August 2, 1943.
Three participants in the Treblinka uprising who escaped and survived the war. Photograph taken in Warsaw, Poland, 1945. Pictured from left to right are: Abraham Kolski, Lachman and Brenner. After participating in the Treblinka uprising, they escaped from the camp and found temporary refuge in the nearby forest. Afterwards they hid with a Christian family until liberation.
View of the village of Chelmno. To the left of the church is the Schloss, one of two sites of the Chelmno camp. The Schloss, an old country estate, served as the reception and killing center for victims until it was demolished in April 1943. Chelmno, Poland, 1939–1943.
Young German soldiers assist in the deportation of Jews from the Zychlin ghetto to the Chelmno killing center. The Nazis planned this deportation to fall on the Jewish holiday of Purim. Poland, March 3, 1942.
View of the manor house in Chelmno that became the site of the Chelmno killing center. Chelmno, Poland, 1939.
SS personnel stand guard while Lodz ghetto police board Jews onto a deportation train bound for Chelmno or Auschwitz. Lodz, Poland, between May and August 1944.
Site at which the SS shot and burned the last 45 of 48 prisoners at Chelmno. The other three prisoners escaped. Chelmno, Poland, 1945.
Postwar photograph of a building in Dabie where the possessions of Jews killed at the nearby Chelmno killing center were stored. Dabie, Poland, June 1945.
Postwar photo of a church in the village of Chelmno. Jews were kept in this building en route to the Chelmno killing center. Chelmno, Poland, June 1945.
SS chief Heinrich Himmler leads an inspection of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Austria, April 27, 1941.
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