Aron Tabrys
Born: March 4, 1924
Vilna, Poland
Aron was the second of six children born to Jewish parents in Vilna, a city known as a center of Jewish cultural life. He was called Arke by his friends and family. Aron's father supported his large family on the meager income of a chimney sweep.
1933-39: As a child Aron attended a Jewish day school, and then went on to attend a public secondary school. When he was 14 his father had an accident which rendered him blind, and Aron had to start working full-time to support the family. Aron belonged to an underground communist group because he saw communism as a way of combatting the antisemitism in Poland. Their life in Vilna was disrupted in fall 1939 when the Soviets occupied the city.
1940-45: The Germans occupied Vilna in June 1941. On September 6 that year Aron was forced into the Vilna ghetto for two years. Two weeks before the ghetto was liquidated in 1943, he was deported to a labor camp in Estonia. Over the next year he was transferred to six labor camps, and then for 9 months to the Dautmergen concentration camp in Bavaria. There were 1,000 people in a barn-like barracks. In the middle of the room was a pot-bellied stove where they would gather in the evening so that the lice which infested their bodies would die from the heat.
Aron survived life in the camps. He weighed 90 pounds when he was liberated in May 1945 on a transport from the Dachau concentration camp to the Alps. He emigrated to America in 1949.