| Displaying results 2901-2950 of 6708 for "" |

  • Students and members of the SA unload materials for book burning


    Students and members of the SA unload books deemed "un-German" during the book burning in Berlin. The banner reads: "German students march against the un-German spirit." Berlin, Germany, May 10, 1933.

    Students and members of the SA unload materials for book burning
  • Students and members of the SA during the book burning in Berlin


    Students and members of the SA with armfuls of literature deemed "un-German" during the book burning in Berlin. Germany, May 10, 1933.

    Students and members of the SA during the book burning in Berlin
  • A book burning in Hamburg


    In Hamburg, members of the SA and students from the University of Hamburg burn books they regard as "un-German." Hamburg, Germany, May 15, 1933.

    A book burning in Hamburg
  • Book burning in Berlin


    At Berlin's Opernplatz (Opera Square), an SA man throws books into the flames at the public burning of books deemed "un-German." This image is a still from a motion picture. Berlin, Germany, May 10, 1933.

    Book burning in Berlin
  • Public burning of "un-German" books in Berlin


    Public burning of "un-German" books in the Opernplatz (Opera Square) in Berlin. Students, some in SA uniform, march in a torchlight procession. Berlin, May 10, 1933.

    Public burning of "un-German" books in Berlin
  • Joseph Goebbels speaks during book burning


    Joseph Goebbels, German propaganda minister, speaks on the night of book burning. Berlin, Germany, May 10, 1933.

    Joseph Goebbels speaks during book burning
  • Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels speaks during the book burning


    Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels (at podium) praises students and members of the SA for their efforts to destroy books deemed "un-German" during the book burning at Berlin's Opernplatz (opera square). Germany, May 10, 1933.

    Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels speaks during the book burning
  • Gavra Mandil celebrates his fourth birthday


    Gavra Mandil celebrates his fourth birthday with his parents, Mosa and Gabriela, and sister Irena. Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, September 6, 1940.

    Gavra Mandil celebrates his fourth birthday
  • Yugoslav Jews in hiding


    Mr. Mandil and his son Gavra, Yugoslav Jews, while in hiding. The Mandil family escaped to Albania in 1942. After the German occupation in 1943, Mandil's Albanian apprentice hid the family, all of whom survived. Albania, between 1942 and 1945.

    Tags: rescue
    Yugoslav Jews in hiding
  • Sephardic synagogue in Berlin


    An interior view of the Sephardic synagogue on Luetzowstrasse. Berlin, Germany, before November 1938.

    Sephardic synagogue in Berlin
  • Bertolt Brecht


    Bertolt Brecht, author of the "Threepenny Opera" and a well-known leftist poet and dramatist, who emigrated from Germany in 1933. In exile, he co-edited an anti-Nazi magazine titled Das Wort. London, Great Britain, 1936.

    Bertolt Brecht
  • Bertolt Brecht


    Bertolt Brecht (left), Marxist poet and dramatist, was a staunch opponent of the Nazis. He fled Germany shortly after Hitler's rise to power. Pictured here with his son, Stefan. Germany, 1931.

    Bertolt Brecht
  • Lion Feuchtwanger in New York


    Author Lion Feuchtwanger in New York, November 17, 1932. Feuchtwanger's 1930 novel Erfolg (Success) provided a thinly veiled criticism of the Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler's rise to leadership in the Nazi Party. He was targeted by the Nazis. After the Nazi takeover on January 30, 1933, his house in Berlin was illegally searched and his library was plundered during his lecture tour in the United States.

    Lion Feuchtwanger in New York
  • Lion Feuchtwanger arriving in New York


    Lion Feuchtwanger aboard the ship Excalibur, arriving in New York. United States, October 1940.

    Lion Feuchtwanger arriving in New York
  • Helen Keller


    Portrait of Helen Keller, ca. 1910.

    Helen Keller
  • Helen Keller


    Portrait of Helen Keller, ca. 1910. In 1933, Nazi students at more than 30 German universities pillaged libraries in search of books they considered to be "un-German." Among the literary and political writings they threw into the flames were the works of Helen Keller.

    Helen Keller
  • Portrait of Ernest Hemingway


    Ernest Hemingway in his World War I Red Cross Ambulance Corps uniform, ca. 1918.

    Portrait of Ernest Hemingway
  • Ernest Hemingway


    Portrait of Ernest Hemingway by Helen Pierce Breaker. Paris, France, ca. 1928. In 1933, Nazi students at more than 30 German universities pillaged libraries in search of books they considered to be "un-German." Among the literary and political writings they threw into the flames were the works of Ernest Hemingway.   

    Ernest Hemingway
  • Cover of A Farewell to Arms


    Cover of Ernest Hemingway's  A Farewell to Arms. (1929 cover. Princeton University Library.) In 1933, Nazi students at more than 30 German universities pillaged libraries in search of books they considered to be "un-German." Among the literary and political writings they threw into the flames during the book burning were the works of Ernest Hemingway. 

    Cover of A Farewell to Arms
  • Hemingway on a safari


    American novelist Ernest Hemingway on safari, ca. 1933. In 1933, Nazi students at more than 30 German universities pillaged libraries in search of books they considered to be "un-German." Among the literary and political writings they threw into the flames were the works of Ernest Hemingway.

    Hemingway on a safari
  • Ernest Hemingway


    Author Ernest Hemingway aboard the boat Pilar, ca. 1950. In 1933, Nazi students at more than 30 German universities pillaged libraries in search of books they considered to be "un-German." Among the literary and political writings they threw into the flames were the works of Ernest Hemingway. 

    Ernest Hemingway
  • American novelist Ernest Hemingway


    Ernest Hemingway, among the greatest American novelists, was a member of the "Lost Generation" of expatriate writers who were disillusioned by war. In 1933 the Nazis burned Hemingway's novels as part of the public book burning in Berlin. United States, ca. 1950.

    American novelist Ernest Hemingway
  • Hidden child Gitta Rosenzweig


    During a roundup for deportation in eastern Poland in 1942, Gitta Rosenzweig—then three or four years old—was sent into hiding. She ended up in a Catholic orphanage. In 1946, Ida Rosenshtein, a family friend and a survivor, learned of the child's whereabouts and sought to claim her. After denying that it held a Jewish child, the orphanage relinquished custody after Ida recognized Gitta and a local Jewish committee paid a "redemption" fee. Gitta is pictured here on the day she left the orphanage.

    Hidden child Gitta Rosenzweig
  • Portrait of Tsewie Herschel taken while he was living in hiding


    Portrait of Tsewie Herschel seated in a chair, taken while he was living in hiding. Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, 1943–1944. Tsewie never knew his parents. Born in December 1942, he was hidden with the de Jong family in April 1943. That July, his parents were deported from the Netherlands to the Sobibór killing center. The de Jongs renamed Tsewie "Henkie," raised him as a Christian, and treated him as their son. Tsewie learned about his origins from his paternal grandmother, who reclaimed him…

    Portrait of Tsewie Herschel taken while he was living in hiding
  • Portrait of three-year-old Estera Horn


    Portrait of three-year-old Estera Horn wrapped in a fur coat. Chelm, Poland, ca. 1940. Estera was born in January 1937. Her father was killed soon after the Germans invaded Poland. Estera and her mother, Perla Horn, were forced into the ghetto in Chelm. At the end of 1942, during the liquidation of the ghetto, Perla and Estera escaped from the ghetto. They hid in nearby villages. In late 1943, Perla asked a family in Plawnice to take care of Estera. Perla tried to hide with a group of Jews in the nearby…

    Portrait of three-year-old Estera Horn
  • Gavra Mandil class photo


    Gavra Mandil and his family narrowly escaped death in German-held Yugoslavia by fleeing to Italian-occupied Albania. There Gavra attended a school in Kavaja that had both Muslim and Christian pupils. He is seated on the far right in the first row. June 1943.

    Gavra Mandil class photo
  • Hidden child in the Netherlands


    Jewish child Hans van den Broeke (born Hans Culp) in hiding in the Netherlands. He is 2 years old in this photograph.

    Hidden child in the Netherlands
  • Hiding under a different religion


    Some Jewish children survived the Holocaust because they were protected by people and institutions of other faiths. Children quickly learned to master the prayers and rituals of their "adopted" religion in order to keep their Jewish identity hidden from even their closest friends. This photograph shows two hidden Jewish children, Beatrix Westheimer and her cousin Henri Hurwitz, with Catholic priest Adelin Vaes, on the occasion of Beatrix's First Communion. Ottignies, Belgium, May 1943.

    Hiding under a different religion
  • Augusta Feldhorn in hiding


    Augusta Feldhorn stands next to a nun while in hiding. Augusta, a Jewish child, was in hiding under an assumed Christian identity. Belgium. 1942-1945.

    Augusta Feldhorn in hiding
  • Page from the diary of Eugenia Hochberg


    A page from the diary of Eugenia Hochberg, written while she was living in hiding in Brody, Poland. The page contains a timeline of important events that happened during the war, such as deaths and deportations of family and friends. Brody, Poland, July 1943–March 1944.

    Page from the diary of Eugenia Hochberg
  • Suse Grunbaum at age one


    Photograph taken in December 1932 of Suse Grunbaum at age one. Soon after Hitler's 1933 seizure of power in Germany, two-year-old Suse and her parents fled to the Netherlands and settled in the town of Dinxperlo. In 1943, Jews in German-occupied Dinxperlo were ordered to assemble for deportation. Hearing of these plans, the Grünbaums went into hiding, finding refuge with Dutch farmers. The Hartemink family hid Suse and her mother for two years in their barn, first under the floorboards, then in a…

    Suse Grunbaum at age one
  • Lida Kleinman


    Portrait of a young Jewish girl, Lida Kleinman sitting in her room in Lacko, Poland, 1935. In January 1942, Lida was sent into hiding. She hid under false identities in Catholic orphanages until the end of the war.

    Lida Kleinman
  • Henrietta and Herman Goslinski


    In 1942, Henrietta and Herman Goslinski went into hiding to avoid deportation from the Netherlands. Their rescuer could not, however, also take their infant daughter Berty. The Dutch resistance moved Berty frequently; she was eventually moved more than 30 times. During the two-and-a-half years apart, the parents saw Berty only once and received this single photograph of her taken while she was in hiding.

    Henrietta and Herman Goslinski
  • Jewish girls in hiding in a convent


    A group of Jewish girls hiding, under assumed identities, in a convent. Ruiselede, Belgium, 1943-44.

    Jewish girls in hiding in a convent
  • Dawid Tennenbaum in hiding


    In 1942, eleven-year-old Dawid Tennenbaum went into hiding with his mother, settling in the Lvov region as Christians. Dawid disguised himself as a girl and as mentally disabled. This exempted him from attending school and prevented his being exposed.

    Dawid Tennenbaum in hiding
  • Sisters Eva and Liane Münzer


    Sisters Eva and Liane Münzer. They were placed in hiding with a devout Catholic couple. In 1944, Eva and Liane were reported to the police as a result of a fight between their rescuers. The husband denounced his wife and the two Jewish girls. The three were immediately arrested and sent to the Westerbork camp. On February 8, 1944, eight- and six-year-old Eva and Liane were deported to Auschwitz, where they were murdered. Photograph taken in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1940.

    Sisters Eva and Liane Münzer
  • Pierre Laval


    Pierre Laval, head of the government of Vichy France and Nazi collaborator. Shown here delivering a radio address. France, 1941–42.

    Pierre Laval
  • Arrival of Jewish refugees from Germany


    Arrival of Jewish refugees from Germany. The Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) helped Jews leave Germany after the Nazi rise to power. France, 1936.

    Arrival of Jewish refugees from Germany
  • Seeking refuge in Argentina


    A Jewish passenger prays on board a refugee ship from Germany bound for Argentina in 1938.

    Seeking refuge in Argentina
  • Jewish refugee children leave Berlin


    Jewish refugee children look out of the train window as they leave Berlin. They were on a Kindertransport from Germany. Schlesischen train station, Berlin, Germany, November 29-30, 1938.

    Jewish refugee children leave Berlin
  • Delegates to the Evian Conference


    Delegates to the Evian Conference, where the fate of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany was discussed. US delegate Myron Taylor is third from left. France, July 1938.

    Delegates to the Evian Conference
  • Site of the Evian Conference


    The Hotel Royal, site of the Evian Conference on Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. Evian-les-Bains, France, July 1938.

    Site of the Evian Conference
  • The Evian Conference on Jewish refugees


    The Evian Conference on Jewish refugees. From left to right are French delegate Henri Berenger, United States delegate Myron Taylor, and British delegate Lord Winterton. France, July 8, 1938.

    Tags: refugees
    The Evian Conference on Jewish refugees
  • Arriving in New York


    A group of German and Austrian Jewish refugee children arrives in New York on board the SS President Harding. New York, United States, June 3, 1939.

    Arriving in New York
  • Looking out from the St. Louis


    German Jewish refugees look through portholes of the St. Louis, in Havana harbor. Cuba refused to let the passengers disembark. Cuba, May or June, 1939.

    Looking out from the St. Louis
  • German Jewish women wearing the compulsory Jewish badge


    Two German Jewish women wearing the compulsory Jewish badge. Germany, September 27, 1941.

    Tags: badges
    German Jewish women wearing the compulsory Jewish badge
  • Jewish couple wearing mandatory Jewish badges


    A Jewish couple wearing the mandatory Jewish badge walks along a street in a German city. Germany, September 27, 1941.

    Tags: badges Germany
    Jewish couple wearing mandatory Jewish badges
  • Wearing the compulsory Jewish badge


    An elderly German Jewish woman wearing the compulsory Jewish badge. Berlin, Germany, September 27, 1941.

    Wearing the compulsory Jewish badge
  • Jewish women at forced labor


    Jewish women deported from Bremen, Germany, are forced to dig a trench at the train station. Minsk, Soviet Union, 1941. (Source record ID: E9 NW 33/IV/2)

    Jewish women at forced labor
  • Poster in Hebrew for army recruitment and rescue efforts


    A poster in Hebrew soliciting contributions from members of the Yishuv (the Jewish community of Palestine) for army recruitment and for efforts to rescue European Jewry. The Hebrew text reads "Give a hand in rescue, the Fund for Recruitment and Rescue." Palestine, July 22, 1943.

    Poster in Hebrew for army recruitment and rescue efforts

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