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Nazi policy encouraged racially "acceptable" couples to have as many children as possible. Because of the number of children in this Nazi Party official's family, the mother earned the "Mother's Cross." Germany, date uncertain.
A parade of young Austrian women, members of the Nazi youth organization the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Maedel). Graz, Austria, February 20, 1938. The Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls were the primary tools that the Nazis used to shape the beliefs, thinking and actions of German youth.
A work corps of German women marches to the fields. Beginning in 1939, many thousands of German women between the ages of 17 and 25 worked on farms as part of a national labor service program. Germany, wartime.
Catholic clergy and Nazi officials, including Joseph Goebbels (far right) and Wilhelm Frick (second from right), give the Nazi salute. Germany, date uncertain.
Martin Niemöller, a German theologian and pastor, on a visit to the United States after the war. A leader of the anti-Nazi Confessing Church, he spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. United States, October 4, 1946.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Protestant theologian who was executed in the Flossenbürg concentration camp on April 9, 1945. Germany, date uncertain.
In the auditorium of the Propaganda Ministry and Public Enlightenment, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivers a speech to his deputies for the press and arts. Berlin, Germany, November 1936.
Germans crowd around a truck filled with "un-German" books, confiscated from the library of the Institute for Sexual Science, for burning by the Nazis. The books were publically burned at Berlin's Opernplatz (Opera Square). Berlin, Germany, May 10, 1933.
Across Germany, students took books by truck, furniture van, even oxcart, and heaped them into pyres on public squares. This image shows members of the SA and students from the University of Frankfurt with oxen pulling manure carts loaded with books deemed "un-German." Frankfurt am Main, Germany, May 10, 1933.
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