Browse an alphabetical list of curated media essays that explore various topics pertaining to the Holocaust and World War II. These essays give a brief overview of the topic and provide related media, including photographs, maps, oral histories, and films.
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The Einsatzgruppen (task forces or special action groups) were units of the Security Police and SD. They are sometimes referred to as "mobile killing squads." The Einsatzgruppen were a consistently brutal perpetrator of Nazi occupation policies. They are best known for their role in the massacres of Jews following the German attack on the Soviet Union.
In July 1938, delegates from 32 countries met in Evian, France for a conference on the refugee crisis. The delegates expressed sympathy for the Jews who were seeking to flee Nazi persecution. Most countries, however, refused to admit more refugees.
Although Jews were the main target of Nazi hatred, they were not the only group persecuted. Ot...
On May 10, 1933, Nazi students at universities across Germany pillaged and burned books they claimed were “un-German.” Ernest Hemingway’s
In summer of 1941, following the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the Nazis gradually occu...
Eugenics, or “racial hygiene” in the German context, was a scientific movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Eugenic theories provided the basis for the Nazi compulsory sterilization program and...
Eugeniusz Rozenblum was born to Jewish parents in Lodz, Poland. The Germans invaded Poland in September 1939 and in 1940 they forced the Jews of Lodz into a ghetto. In 1944, Eugeniusz was taken to Auschwitz and later to the Dachau camp. Out of the 7...
The "euthanasia" program targeted, for systematic killing, patients with mental and physical disabilities living in institutional settings in Germany and German-annexed territories. Historians estimate that the program claimed the lives of 250,000 men, women, and children.
Eva was born to Jewish parents and grew up in a city on the border between Romania and Hungary. On March 19, 1944, the Germans occupied Hungary and Eva was soon forced into a ghetto. She was later deported to Auschwitz, where she was killed at the a...
In July 1938, delegates from 32 countries met in Evian, France for a conference on the refugee crisis. The delegates expressed sympathy for the Jews who were seeking to flee Nazi persecution. Most countries, however, refused to admit more refugees.
Before the Holocaust, the Jewish community of Eyshishok had a vibrant cultural and religious life. Eyshishok was considered a shtetl. Shtetl is a Yiddish word that refers to a small market town in eastern Europe with a majority Jewish population. Eyshishok was part of Poland when World War II began. However, the area changed hands multiple times during the war. When German forces occupied the town in June 1941, it was part of Lithuania.In September 1941, German Einsatzkommando 3 and Lithuanian auxiliary…
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.