Browse an alphabetical list of photographs. These historical images portray people, places, and events before, during, and after World War II and the Holocaust.
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Prewar portrait of mother and son Zeni and Rudy Farbenblum. Munkacs, 1922.
Zivia Lubetkin, a founder of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) and participant in the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Poland, date uncertain.
Witness Zivia Lubetkin Zuckerman testifies during the trial of Adolf Eichmann. Jerusalem, Israel. May 3, 1961.
Zsofi Brunn and members of her family were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau in June 1944. Her husband and mother were killed upon arrival. Zsofi and her daughter Anna were transferred to a labor camp in Czechosovakia. They were eventually liberated by Soviet forces in May 1945. Zsofi and Anna returned to Hungary. They moved to Rakosszentmihaly, near Budapest. There, Anna finished high school, and Zsofi directed a Jewish orphanage.This photo shows Zsofi (back row, center) posing with the…
Zvi Ben-Yaakov (left) and Haviva Reik (center), Jewish parachutists under British command. Their mission was to aid the Jews in Czechoslovakia, where they were caught by the Nazis and executed. Palestine, before September 1944.
Zyklon B pellets found at the liberation of the Majdanek camp. Poland, after July 1944.
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.