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The 36th Infantry Division participated in major WWII campaigns and is recognized for liberating some of the Kaufering subcamps of Dachau in 1945.
The 20th Armored Division participated in major WWII campaigns and is recognized for liberating the Dachau concentration camp in 1945.
The 65th Infantry Division participated in major WWII campaigns and is recognized for liberating a subcamp of Flossenbürg in 1945.
Frances Perkins was FDR's secretary of labor. Learn about her role in the rescue of European Jews whose lives were threatened by the Nazi regime.
The 84th Infantry Division participated in major WWII campaigns and is recognized for liberating two Neuengamme subcamps, Hannover-Ahlem and Salzwedel, in 1945.
At its height, the Warsaw ghetto held over 400,000 people living in horrendous and worsening conditions. Learn about deportations both to and from the ghetto.
The 69th Infantry Division participated in major WWII campaigns and is recognized for liberating the Leipzig-Thekla subcamp of Buchenwald in 1945.
The St. Louis, carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, arrives in the port of Antwerp after Cuba and the United States denied it landing. Belgium, June 17, 1939.
Training for immigration to Palestine: a math class at the Caputh Agricultural School. Berlin, Germany, 1930–39.
A leading researcher of sex, sexuality, and gender, German Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld was forced to live in exile after the Nazi rise to power.
We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies, Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation, the Claims Conference, EVZ, and BMF for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. View the list of donor acknowledgement.