Barbara Ledermann
Born: September 4, 1925
Berlin, Germany
Barbara was the older of two daughters born to Jewish parents in Germany's capital, Berlin. Barbara's father was a successful lawyer. As soon as Barbara was old enough to walk, he would take her around Berlin to see the sights and tour the city's art museums. Barbara liked to go horseback riding and dreamed of becoming a dancer.
1933-39: After the Nazis came to power in January 1933, it was illegal for Barbara's father to have non-Jewish clients. His law practice quickly folded. Later that year when Barbara was 7, her family moved to the Netherlands where her mother had relatives. Barbara continued her schooling in Amsterdam and quickly learned Dutch. Although they no longer lived in a big house with servants, Barbara enjoyed Amsterdam--it had a much less formal atmosphere than Berlin.
1940-44: The Germans invaded the Netherlands in May 1940. Two years later, when they began to deport many Jews, Barbara's boyfriend, Manfred, told her that these deportations to "labor camps" really meant death. He got false IDs for Barbara and her family, and told her, "If you get called up, don't go." She asked, "What will happen to my parents if I don't go?" "Nothing that wouldn't happen otherwise," he answered. "What do you mean?" Barbara asked, and he responded, "Everyone who goes will be killed. They are all going to die."
Barbara remained in hiding until May 1945, when Amsterdam was liberated by Canadian troops. She immigrated to the United States in November 1947.